Defeating the Four Horsemen of the Coding Apocalypse
Just and Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death are harbingers of the end of the world, the four challenges of Unfamiliarity, Complexity, Opacity, and Distance will doom any project. Unfamiliarity and Complexity are known problems to the Clojure community, but what are Opacity and Distance? I will explain, with motivating examples, how the ability to see your problems and make them at-hand are critical to the success of your projects, especially with distributed, cloud-based solutions. I will also demonstrate, live and interactive, how Clojure excels at solving all of these issues, preventing the total destruction of all productivity in your projects. Join me as I use my REPL to defeat the Four Horsemen of the Coding Apocalypse in a way that will bring new levels of insight and productivity to how you code.
Mark Bastian
Clearwater Analytics, LLC
Mark Bastian is a Senior Software Developer, Machine Learning Engineer, and Clojure Evangelist at Clearwater Analytics in Boise, ID. He has successfully grown Clojure teams at multiple companies and loves helping the community thrive. In his spare time he loves board games, science fiction, and backpacking.