Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Developer
Sherlock Holmes has much to teach us about how to approach programming and life. Recent movies and TV shows have been charming, but this talk is about the lessons you can learn from the original stories.
Stuart Halloway
Cognitect, Inc.
Stuart is a founder and President of Cognitect (formerly Relevance). He is a Clojurecommitter, and a developer of the Datomic database. Stuart has spoken at a variety of industry events, including StrangeLoop, Clojure/conj, EuroClojure, ClojureWest, SpeakerConf, QCon, GOTO, OSCON, RailsConf, RubyConf, JavaOne, and NFJS. Stuart has written a number of books and technical articles. Of these, he is most proud of Programming Clojure.